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CodeSnip: Log a BizTalk Orchestration Message into the Windows Event Log
by Naveen Karamchetti
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The following are the steps to Log a message into the Windows Event Log.


First, Open the Orchestration Designer for the Orchestration.

Go to the Orchestration View.

1. Create a variable of type System.Xml.XmlDocument, name it "xmlDocument."

2. Create an expression shape.

3. Assign the message variable which you want to log into the EventLog.

4. Use the property xmlDocument.OuterXML.

Figure 1: The Expression Shape

Notice the Expression shape in the figure given below.

Figure 2: The Expression Editor

For example:

xmlDocument = MsgEchoIn;
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("Message XML", xmlDocument.OuterXML);

This simple statement can sometimes be a time and effort saver when you would need to debug and find out the actual message content. Use this as often as possible when writing medium to large sized orchestrations.

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