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Tip/Trick: Using Server Side Comments with ASP.NET 2.0
by Scott Guthrie
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You are coding away on an ASP.NET page, and are trying to isolate a problem within the page.  You have some existing html/controls/markup/in-line code that is being used on the page, and you want to temporarily comment it out while you fix the problem.


ASP.NET supports a little known feature called “server-side comments” that you can use to completely disable code/controls/html in a page.  Server-side comments in ASP.NET are delimited using a <%-- --%> syntax.  For example:

            Commented out HTML/CODE/Markup.  Anything with 
this block will not be parsed/handled by ASP.NET. 
            <asp:Calendar runat="server"></asp:Calendar>  
<%# Eval(“SomeProperty”) %>      

One common question people ask is what the difference is between using client-side HTML comments and server-side comments.  The key difference is that with client-side comments it is the browser which is ignoring the content within them.  Code/controls within client-side comments will still be executed on the server and sent down to the browser.  As such, if there is a server error caused within them it will block running the page.

With server-side comments, the ASP.NET compiler ignores everything within these blocks at parse/compile time, and removes the content completely when assembling the page (like its contents weren’t there at all).  Consequently, any errors caused by mal-formed controls or issues with inline code or data-binding expressions within them will be ignored.  The page is also just as fast with controls/code within server-side comments as if there were no controls/code on the page at all (there is no runtime performance overhead to them).

One tip/trick to take advantage of in the HTML source editor within Visual Web Developer and VS 2005 is the automatic comment/uncomment feature they support.  You can use this by selecting some markup within a .aspx page, and then clicking the “comment” command button that is on HTML Source Editor Toolbar:

Figure 1

This will automatically wrap the selected content with a <%-- --%> block.  You can likewise move the cursor within it and click the uncomment command to remove the comment.  Keyboard short-cuts are also automatically enabled to do this purely from the keyboard.  The exact keystrokes depend on what VS profile you have configured – but on my system it is “Ctrl-K, Ctrl-C” to comment a block and “Ctrl-K, Ctrl-U” to uncomment one.

Note that this comment/uncomment command in VS works not only in HTML – but also within regular VB/C# source files as well.  It provides an easy and consistent way to comment out functionality everywhere within your project.

Hope this helps,



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