Including Your Own ASP.NET Pages in Your SharePoint Portal
Published: 19 Jul 2006
Unedited - Community Contributed
In this article Ameet explains the various aspects of integrating an ASP.NET Page in SharePoint Portal.
by Ameet Phadnis
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SharePoint provides a few ASP.NET pages which allow you to manage a Portal.  However, business situations arise that require developers to build their own ASP.NET pages.  One situation that comes to mind is an employee directory.  In big organizations you might be tasked with displaying all employees based on search criteria or displaying employees for a particular department.  Once the employees list is displayed, the user might have to get more information on where that particular person is located, the bio information or even the floor map for the employee's office floor.  In this scenario we have the following options:

·         Create a Web Part to display the Employee Directory and then have another ASP.NET application that will have only one page that will display the location of the person.  This ASP.NET page will accept a querystring to get the ID for the employee.  This would be the easiest way accomplish this option, but you would need to maintain a separate application for only one page.

·         The next option might be to develop two web parts.  The first web part has a list of all employees' names.  This web part is a provider web part.  The second web part will contain the location information for the Person.  The second web part will be a consumer web part. The first Web Part provides the second web part employeeID.  The second web part consumes the employeeID.  This option is really good except if the second web part is a really huge display of the floor map and pins where the person is exactly located, the user will have to scroll through the page to find the exact employee location.

·         The last option is building a Web Part similar to option 1 and then building a separate Web Page holding the location information or floor map information.  The Web Part will have a link and will open the floor map information in a separate window.  With this option the ASP.NET web page is also hosted with the SharePoint Portal.  This sounds very simple, but if you try creating ASP.NET pages as they are usually done you will start getting errors because SharePoint does not recognize the plain ASP.NET pages.  So, we will have to do some tweaking to make SharePoint understand that these are SharePoint ASP.NET pages.

Creating SharePoint Portal Page

The developers might be surprised that the only difference between an ASP.NET page and a SharePoint page is what it is being inherited from.  Normal ASP.NET pages are inherited from System.Web.UI.Page while SharePoint Pages are inherited from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartPage.  Developers may have noticed that while they are developing Web Parts they normally inherit from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart. So, while developing anything specific for SharePoint, you would inherit from objects provided under Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.  If you look at the inheritance hierarchy for WebPartPage, it is inherited from System.Web.UI.Page (the one that is inherited from for ASP.NET pages).







So, how do we create a SharePoint Portal Page and include it in our Portal?  The first step is to create the Page.

Steps to create SharePoint Portal Page

·         Normally, I just create a web site on my machine with an appropriate name.

·         Add a reference to the Microsoft.SharePoint Assembly.

·         Add a Web Page.

·         Change the inheritance from System.Web.UI.Page to Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartPage.

·         From here on you can just design the page as you want and add functionality to the page.  The design of the page and functionality code is not separate from normal ASP.NET pages.

·         Compile the project.  This will create the assembly file you need to use in SharePoint Portal.

The next major task is how to include it in SharePoint Portal.  The steps required to incorporate the page in your Portal site are the following.

·         Copy the Page to one of the templates folder that will use the Portal Page.

·         Add reference to the Onet.xml file.

·         Copy the assembly file to bin folder of the Portal.

Templates Folder

In order to understand where to copy the newly created Web Page, we need to understand the SharePoint Folder structure.

All the portal pages are located under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60.  The site pages or sub areas are being displayed from the template from which they were generated.  For example, the Topics sub area uses the default.aspx page from C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\1033\SPSTOPIC folders.  Users can create their own templates and store it under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\1033\.

An explanation for creating SharePoint Portal Templates is out of the scope of this article.  You can refer to this article which goes into depth of how to create the templates and the folder structure.

In order for SharePoint to recognize the ASP.NET page we just created, it needs to be stored under some template folder.  It would make sense to store the page in a template folder from which the sub area (that uses the Page) is created from.  For example, if a developer is going to create a template called Corporate, then most likely the folder structure will be C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\1033\SPSCORPORATE\.  So, the Web Page that is created needs to be stored under this folder.  Please note that you need to copy the ASPX page and nothing else.

Add reference to the Onet.xml file

Once the page is copied, then we need to let SharePoint know about the presence of the page while creating sub areas.  The article also explains what the Onet.xml file is used for.  In order to make SharePoint aware of the presence of the new Page, we need to make some changes on the Onet.xml file.

Locate the following code under Onet.xml.

Listing 1

  <Module Name="Default" />
  <Module Name="WebPartPopulation" />

Add an entry to the Modules section.  For this example I will call it AmeetArticle.

Listing 2

  <Module Name="Default" />
  <Module Name="WebPartPopulation" />
  <Module Name=" AmeetArticle" />

Now, we also need to reference the pages.  Locate the following code.

Listing 3

  <Module Name="Default" Url="" Path="">
    <File Url="default.aspx" Type="Ghostable">      </File>
  <Module Name="WebPartPopulation" List="113" Url="_catalogs/wp" Path="lists\wplib\dwp" RootWebOnly="TRUE">
    <File Url="MSContentEditor.dwp" Type="GhostableInLibrary" />
    <File Url="MSImage.dwp" Type="GhostableInLibrary" />
    <File Url="MSPageViewer.dwp" Type="GhostableInLibrary" />

In the above section we need to create another module section which references AmeetArticle name declared earlier.

Listing 4

  <Module Name="Default" Url="" Path="">
   <File Url="default.aspx" Type="Ghostable">      </File>
  <Module Name="WebPartPopulation" List="113" Url="_catalogs/wp" Path="lists\wplib\dwp" RootWebOnly="TRUE">
   <File Url="MSContentEditor.dwp" Type="GhostableInLibrary" />
   <File Url="MSImage.dwp" Type="GhostableInLibrary" />
   <File Url="MSPageViewer.dwp" Type="GhostableInLibrary" />
   <Module Name="AmeetArticle" URL="" Path="">
   <File Url="AmeetArticle.aspx" />

If the user has created multiple ASP.NET pages and has created a folder, then the folder path can be provided to the Path attribute under Module.  Once the Path is provided, individual files can be referenced as shown for the AmeetArticle.ASPX page.  With this we can even store the created pages in different templates and reference it through the Onet.xml file.

Copy the assembly file to bin folder of the Portal

With the above sections, we have made the SharePoint Portal aware that some external pages are being used in the portal.  But how do we run the functionality behind the pages?  We need to store the assembly file inside the Portal.  This is the easiest part of this whole procedure.  Simply go to the site where your portal is created.  For example, if your portal is called CorporatePortal, then your folder structure might be c:\WebSites\CorporatePortal.  You simply need to copy the assembly file in the bin directory under c:\WebSites\CorporatePortal.  In normal circumstances the bin directory does not exist.  If it does not, you can just create the bin folder and drop the assembly file in it.

If your code needs to reference any sections from the configuration file, you can always edit the Web.Config for your portal and add the sections there.  For example, you might be interested in adding database connection information.  You can add the following section in the Web.Config file.

Listing 5

  <add key="AmeetArticle" value="Server=AAPW2003SHAREPO;Database=Employee;uid=Employee;pwd=EmployeeTest;" />

The final step is to do iisreset.


In short, creating SharePoint Portal Pages is as easy as creating normal ASP.NET pages.  This article explained the basics of how to create SharePoint Portal pages, but developers can enhance the functionality by creating their own display pages for different listings or for custom applications. The developer can even use the SharePoint portal controls such as the navigation bar, PageHeader control, BreadCrumbTrail, ToolBar, etc.  Finally, options for customizing the SharePoint Portal are numerous, but finding the best option that suites your needs requires some experimentation.

User Comments

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Title: New to this   
Name: Johnlen
Date: 2011-03-15 5:05:00 AM

I am new to sharepoint can anyone explain with exmaple.

Title: Sample & screenshots   
Name: Deepak Karma
Date: 2011-01-06 1:24:31 AM
Thanks for the needful article..Please add some sample application or screenshots with this article..
Title: Sample   
Name: Deepan
Date: 2010-09-17 11:38:39 PM
Reading this article simple to undersrand. please provide the sample application to download .
Title: screenshots   
Name: Venkatesh
Date: 2010-09-14 10:48:25 PM
Can u show me some screenshots?
Title: Including Your Own ASP.NET Pages in Your SharePoint Portal   
Name: Drew
Date: 2009-07-12 9:57:03 PM
I am so sick of sketchy cr$p knowledge assuming articles on -> sharepoint integration that dont provide proper explanation of steps, aRGH!
Title: Asp.Net Web Application With SharePoint Portal   
Name: Ajith
Date: 2009-07-01 3:58:00 AM
1) Please give a suggestion on how to include a Web Application into a SharePoint WebPortal.
Title: on windows xp   
Name: Ahmad
Date: 2009-06-30 7:59:56 AM
i am using visual studio under windows xp, how can i do that?
Title: This assumes you have SDK's installed...   
Name: DEK
Date: 2008-10-21 9:40:04 AM
I have a dedicated Sharepoint server but develop on my XP machine with VS2008. What should I have installed?

I don't see the Microsoft.Sharepoint component.
Title: page in sp   
Name: d.ramakrishareddy
Date: 2008-09-20 12:20:01 PM
plese put source code for every thing in sp
Title: Web Design   
Name: Lukei
Date: 2008-05-01 12:57:47 PM
Why can't you just use ASP code on a web page to do the fuction you need.. Why do you have to publish to the GAC? I'm been trying to make a simple one step page to upload a file from a Form righ to a file library. Why can I find no examples online on just doing this in ASP? Why is everything handled with C#?
Title: Good   
Name: vk
Date: 2008-04-18 5:43:55 AM
An excellent article to start working with "Integrating ASP.NET Pages in SharePoint Portal"
Title: Really Its good...   
Name: Samim Mondal
Date: 2008-04-01 2:23:53 AM
Its nice article...I learn it.
Title: Integrating ASP .Net pages with SharePoint server   
Name: Kalpana
Date: 2007-12-28 7:50:08 AM
I couldnt find the folder '60' or Onet.xml file under the Web Services Extensions.
Neither I could find the site name/pages under the folder.
I have installed MOSS 2007 server on a PC, have some ASP .Net pages to be integrating. Have been following the steps you have mentioned in the article "Including Your Own ASP.NET Pages in Your SharePoint Portal". Stuck here not finding the folder and files you have mentioned. Tried searching, but cudnt find it. Require help from page 2 onwards.
Title: Good information   
Name: santosh
Date: 2007-10-19 1:45:02 AM
That was really helpful
Title: page in sharepoint   
Name: Christine
Date: 2007-10-05 3:37:39 PM
"Change the inheritance from System.Web.UI.Page to Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartPage"

With respect the above step in this process, is this line to be edited on the codebehind page? (.cs)
Thank you for efforts! Much appreciated.
Title: fine   
Name: ys
Date: 2007-09-13 12:13:30 AM
Title: mr   
Name: nurul
Date: 2007-08-27 4:22:24 AM
How can i access these pages. and also you have mentioned that we need to copy the dll under portal folder. what is this portal folder? is it in share point or is it a seperate folder?
Title: Mr   
Name: Nurul
Date: 2007-08-27 4:20:50 AM
Title: CodeBehind   
Name: Emrah
Date: 2007-07-05 9:50:46 AM
Is codebehind part of the ASP page i created working this way? I think this is the most important part of integrating ASP pages to SharePoint. This article is really good anyway.
Title: Thanx for the Great Article   
Name: Jaya Borra
Date: 2006-12-02 12:28:58 AM
Hi Ameet Phadnis
Thanx for ur article, really you saved me. This is one of the best articles I ever found on SPS development
Title: need help   
Name: hiral
Date: 2006-11-22 5:57:10 AM
i m trying to do the same thing but cudnt.please help me out.
Title: Page URL   
Name: AP
Date: 2006-10-24 2:12:00 PM
The URL can be referenced based on the Area that was created using the template under which you have saved the ASP.NET page.

For example, if you created area called testing under your SharePoint Portal using SPSTOC template and the url is http://SPS/Testing. The in order to reference a page called test.aspx which is stored under SPSTOC then you can reference it using http://sps/testing/test.aspx

Title: Page URL   
Name: Bhargavi
Date: 2006-10-24 12:08:56 PM

Excellent article. But, i can't figure out how to browse to that page from the portal.

Did any one ever get to the page created following the article. I did everything and I'm lost now.

Title: nice one   
Name: bhagwan das
Date: 2006-10-06 3:02:25 AM
this is what actually i am looking for .
Title: How do I reach my page?   
Name: JF
Date: 2006-09-29 11:33:14 AM
I followed the steps. Copied the aspx under the TEMPLATE-1033 folder and the dll under the bin.

How do I reach my page?

I'm not using Portal .. just WSS2.0

Title: How do I get to my page?   
Name: Jeff
Date: 2006-09-27 10:45:34 AM
I followed the steps. I created a folder named "SPSAdmin" under "SPSTOC". I registered both ASPX files and copied the assempbly to "BIN". What is the URL to get to my page?
Title: Troubleshoot help   
Name: Adrian Crisan
Date: 2006-09-21 10:32:08 AM
I followed the steps described in your article and I've changed the Topic template in order to include my very own ASP.NET page. But after I change the Onet.xml file, I cannot create anymore subareas in the Topics section, because an error occurs. Also, when I try to manage the content of an existing subarea from Topics (ex. Divisions) an error also ocurrs telling me that no area exists. Can you help me on this,

Title: Yes   
Name: AP
Date: 2006-09-18 8:19:51 AM
Yes. It works.
Title: Integration of .Net with Share Point Portal   
Name: Vaibhav
Date: 2006-09-18 2:46:44 AM
does this code work with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 installation?
Title: Security Issue   
Name: Ricardo Casquete
Date: 2006-09-05 11:56:04 AM
After implementing it....

I have had to sign the project, increasy the assembly trust and add the dll to the GAC.
I am not sure if adding the assembly trust is necessary but I have been not able to do it without adding the dll to the GAC.

Regards and Thanks again ( 5 messages above ) for the Article
Title: Hi Arshad   
Name: Parag
Date: 2006-09-04 8:53:32 AM
Hi arshad

How r u satisfied with above artcile

can u convey me the details
Title: Thanks..   
Name: Arshad
Date: 2006-09-04 1:43:08 AM
This is the one am looking for!!!
Title: B.   
Name: Bobby Habib
Date: 2006-08-30 4:54:01 AM
Top Boy. Good Atriticle.
Title: Mr   
Name: Girish
Date: 2006-08-25 11:50:27 AM
This is interesting article , is there any way to put ATLAS
UpdatePanel in sharepoint site

Thanks in advance
Title: Integration of .Net with Share Point Portal   
Name: Dinesh
Date: 2006-08-18 6:00:12 AM
This is better article I have ever found on Integration of .Net with Share Point Portal topic

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