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Creating DataGrid Filter Using Standard Controls
by Nidal Arabi
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There are multiple cases where you are asked to provide a filter on your DataGrid.  For example, you need a filter when using a typed text or even when allowing the user to select from a specified list.

In this article I will explain one way of providing the end user with a professional look and performance even if you are dealing with millions of records.

For demonstration purposes I will be using the NorthWind database available from Microsoft for download.

Take a look a Figure 1 to get a feeling for what we are going to have in the end.

Figure 1


To arrive at this point I shall explain in detail every step.


To start with you have to create four essentials stored procedures that will help build the data layer of this screen.  Note that these stored procedures can be formulated directly within code; however, it is much more professional to create them using Microsoft SQL Server.

The code for the four stored procedure is presented below.

Listing 1

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.SelectAllProducts
      Select Top 50 * From Products
      RETURN @@RowCount


A Procedure to Select Products By Category Id

Listing 2

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.SelectProductByCategoryId
(@CategoryId as int)
      Select * From Products Where CategoryId = @CategoryId
      RETURN @@RowCount


A Procedure to Select Product By Name

Listing 3

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.SelectProductByName
(@ProductName as varchar(50))
      Select * From Products Where ProductName Like '%' + @ProductName + '%'
      RETURN @@RowCount


A procedure used to populate the category ComboBox

Listing 4:

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.CbxCategories
            Select CategoryID, CategoryName From Categories
      RETURN @@RowCount


After having created these four stored procedures, we are able to proceed with the ASP.NET application.  Follow the steps given below.

1.     You need to create a new ASP.NET web application, name it DataGridFilter and place it in the default directory.

2.     In webform1 that is open, drag a DataGrid from the toolbox into it.

3.     Give the DataGrid the professional look by applying AutoFormat from the right click menu.

4.     Now, right click and choose property builder for designing our DataGrid.

5.     Go to the column's option and clear the check box of Create Columns automatically at run time.

6.     Add a first bound column.  The Header should be Product Id and the field name ProductID.

7.     Add a second bound column.  The Header should be Name and the field name ProductName.

8.     Add a third bound column.  The Header should be Category ID and the field should be CategoryID.

9.     While still in the property builder, choose the bound column of Name and convert it to a template.  Do the same for the Category ID column.

10.  Exit the property builder and start template editing of the Name column.

11. In the Header property, insert a text box and name it TxtFilterName.

12. Beside it, insert a button with the following properties: Text= , CommandName=Filter, CommandArgument= TxtFilterName, ToolTip=Filter By Name, Name=BtnFilterName

13. Move into template editing of the Category ID column and insert a drop down list inside the header part and name it CbxFilterCategoryID.

14.  Beside it, insert a button with the following properties: Text= , CommandName=Filter, CommandArgument= CbxFilterCategoryId, ToolTip=Filter By Category, Name=BtnFilterCategory

15. By now you should have the physical shape of the webform as listed in Figure 2.

Figure 2

Now, we move to the coding part.

First of all, we have to fill the combo box by all available categories in the database.  To do this, we write a fairly simple Visual Basic .NET code presented in the listing below in the page code section.

A code listing to fill the combo box of category

Listing 5

Public Function BindCategoryID()
  Dim ConnStr As String = _
"Data Source=.; Initial Catalog=Northwind; User ID=sa; Password=pass@word1"
  Dim myConnection As SqlClient.SqlConnection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConnStr)
  Dim myCommand As SqlClient.SqlCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("CbxCategories", myConnection)
  myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
  Return myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
End Function

To complete the binding we need to add the following line in the drop down list in HTML.

DataSource="" DataTextField="CategoryName" DataValueField="CategoryID".

If you run your project, you will have your combo box filled with the categories.

There are some variables that are going to be used for the whole form, thus defining them at the top of the web form.


Global Form Variables

Listing 6

Dim MySQLConnection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim MySQLCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim MyDataAdapter As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Dim MyDataSet As New Data.DataSet

Next is the fun part.  Let us see how to fill data and then apply filters.

Listing 7

Private Sub SetupData()
  MySQLConnection.ConnectionString = _
"Data Source=.; Initial Catalog=Northwind; User ID=sa; Password=pass@word1"
  MySQLCommand.Connection = MySQLConnection
  MySQLCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
  MySQLCommand.CommandText = "SelectAllProducts"
  MyDataAdapter.SelectCommand = MySQLCommand
  MyDataAdapter.Fill(MyDataSet, "Products")
  DataGrid1.DataSource = MyDataSet
  DataGrid1.DataMember = "Products"
End Sub
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
  If Not Me.IsPostBack Then
    Call SetupData()
  End If
End Sub

To apply the filter when the user clicks the button next to the filter part, just add the following code.

Listing 8

Private Sub DataGrid1_ItemCommand(ByVal Source As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) _
Handles DataGrid1.ItemCommand
  Select Case e.CommandName
    Case "Filter"
      Dim FirstName As String
      Dim TxtFilter As TextBox, CbxFilter As DropDownList, FilterValue As String
      If Left(e.CommandArgument, 3) = "Cbx" Then
        CbxFilter = CType(e.Item.FindControl(e.CommandArgument), DropDownList)
        FilterValue = CbxFilter.SelectedValue
        TxtFilter = CType(e.Item.FindControl(e.CommandArgument), TextBox)
        FilterValue = TxtFilter.Text
      End If
      If FilterValue Is Nothing Then
        Call SetupData()
      ElseIf FilterValue = String.Empty Then
        Call SetupData()
        If e.CommandArgument = "CbxFilterCategoryId" Then
          MySQLConnection.ConnectionString =_
 "Data Source=.; Initial Catalog=Northwind; User ID=sa; Password=pass@word1"
          MySQLCommand.Connection = MySQLConnection
          MySQLCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
          MySQLCommand.Parameters.Add("@CategoryId", FilterValue)
          MySQLCommand.CommandText = "SelectProductByCategoryID"
          MyDataAdapter.SelectCommand = MySQLCommand
          MyDataAdapter.Fill(MyDataSet, "Products")
          DataGrid1.DataSource = MyDataSet
          DataGrid1.DataMember = "Products"
        ElseIf e.CommandArgument = "TxtFilterName" Then
          MySQLConnection.ConnectionString =_
 "Data Source=.; Initial Catalog=Northwind; User ID=sa; Password=pass@word1"
          MySQLCommand.Connection = MySQLConnection
          MySQLCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
          MySQLCommand.Parameters.Add("@ProductName", FilterValue)
          MySQLCommand.CommandText = "SelectProductByName"
          MyDataAdapter.SelectCommand = MySQLCommand
          MyDataAdapter.Fill(MyDataSet, "Products")
          DataGrid1.DataSource = MyDataSet
          DataGrid1.DataMember = "Products"
        End If
      End If
      Catch ex As Exception
      End Try
  End Select
End Sub

We reached the end and the webpage is now fully working.  Go and experiment with your project and have fun.  Just remember, to cancel the filter you should click the button of the name when the text box related to it is empty.


Finally, filtering is an essential part of a web application that deals with a database.  Sometimes providing a user from a list of available choices is required.  Another time a free text entry may be required.  In this article both scenarios were implemented in a professional manner that is appealing and fast.


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