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Creating a CascadingDropDown Using AJAX
by Electronic Screw
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I have seen in many forums people asking questions as “how to populate the cascadingdropdown with values from database.” Although there was a sample provided for the same in the ASP.NET AJAX ControlToolkit, most of the learners (novice) following the walkthrough given at get struck at the CarsTableAdapters used in the webservice.

This article explains the step-by-step procedure on how to create CascadingDropDown using database values with the help of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. We will display the models available for a selected car using the cascadingdropdown.

Creating a new ASP.NET AJAX Enabled website

To create a new website in Visual Studio 2005 click, File >> New >> Web Site and select ASP.NET AJAX Enabled Web Site from the available templates. I named the application as CCDFromDatabase and used C# as the coding language.

I used ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Library in this sample. The latest library can be downloaded from Microsoft site [].

Figure 1

Add a reference to the latest AjaxControlToolkit.dll in your project. To add a reference, right click on the Project >> Add Reference >> Browse. Select the location to where you have downloaded the AjaxControlToolkit.dll.

You can find the latest AjaxControlToolkit.dll in the SampleWebSite/bin folder of the AjaxControlToolkit. The latest toolkit is available for download at [].
Figure 2

Creating the database for the project

Create a new database named SampleData.mdf. This database will contain 2 tables Cars (to store the cars data) and CarModels (to store the models for each car in Cars table).

Right click on the App_Data folder and select Add New Item. In the new item dialog box, select the SQL Database from the template and change the name to SampleData.mdf. Click Add.

Now the database is created and added to your project. You can view the data connection to the SampleData.mdf in the Server Explorer (Ctrl + W, L).

In the server explorer, under the SampleData.mdf, click on Tables and create 2 tables with the following structure.

Figure 3

Make the fields ModelId (CarModels) and CarId (Cars) as Identity columns for auto-increment number.

Note: The SampleData.mdf used in the project is available in the Source Code provided with this article.

Creating the datasets for accessing the Cars and CarModels data

Right click on the project in the solution explorer and click on Add New Item. In the dialog box select DataSet and name it as dsCars.xsd and click Add Button. Your dataset will be created under App_Code folder under the root application folder.

Figure 4

As soon as the dataset was created, the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard pops up and you should configure the dataset using the wizard.

Configuring the DataSets

·         From the data connection dropdownlist of the wizard, select the SampleData.mdf file and click Next.

Figure 5

·         You are asked to save the SampleDataConnectionString in the web.config file. Check the box next to Yes and click Next.

Figure 6

·         In the command type, choose Use SQL Statements and click Next.

·         In the Enter a SQL Statement, enter the following query and click Next.

Figure 7

·         In the Choose Methods to Generate, uncheck the Fill a DataTable and in the Return a DataTable Method name use GetAllCars.

Figure 8

·         Wizard Results will be displayed with generated SELECT statement, table mappings and a Get method.

·         Save the DataSet and Close it.

·         Repeat the Creating DataSets again to add another dataset dsCarModels.xsd which holds data of CarModels for the selected Car.

Note: When creating the second dataset, you will not see the SampleData.mdf in the data connection dropdownlist of step 1. Since you have already stored the connection string in the web.config file, you will see SampleDataConnectionString (web.config) and you should select it.

·         Use the following query in the Enter a SQL Statement of configuring the dataset.

SELECT ModelId, CarId, ModelName FROM CarModels WHERE (CarId = @carId)

Figure 9

·         For the Return a DataTable Method name use GetModelsByCarId.

Figure 10

Creating a webservice to get data from database

Now we have the datasets configured, we write a webservice to get all the car models for a given CarId. This webservice will be used by our cascadingdropdown. Later in this article we will see how to configure the CascadingDropDown to use this webservice.

·         Right Click on the project and click Add New. In the Add New Item dialog box, select WebService from the list and name it as CarsService.asmx.

Figure 11

·         Two files will be created in your application. One file CarsService.asmx is created in the root of your application and the code-behind file for the webservice is created in the App_Code folder with name CarsService.cs.

Note: In Listing 11 the check box Place code in separate file is checked. Check the box for all the items you create for which it is applicable. This will separate the code file from the page file.

·         Open the CarsService.cs location in the App_Code. This is the class file (WebService) where we write the web method to get all the car models for a given CarId.

·         Add the following namespaces in bold to the existing file (CarsService.cs).

Listing 1

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
<span class=Bold>using System.Collections.Generic;</span>
<span class=Bold>using AjaxControlToolkit;</span>
<span class=Bold>using System.Data;</span>
<span class=Bold>using System.Data.SqlClient;</span>

·         Your webservice should be decorated with the ScriptService attribute. Add the following line above the class definition.

Listing 2

/// <summary>
/// Summary description for CarsService
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class CarsService : System.Web.Services.WebService {

·         We will write a WebMethod GetModelsByCarId which returns an array of CascadingDropDownNameValue. The method signature should match exactly with the one given below including the parameter names.

Listing 3

public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetModelsByCarId(string knownCategoryValues, string category) 

·         The knowCategoryValues will contain the values of the Category defined in the CascadingDropDown control separated by “;” delimiter.

Listing 4

// Split the knownCategoryValues on ":" with ";" delimiter 
// For the first dropdownlist, the values will be "undefined: id of the dropdownelement"
// ex: "undefined: 13;"
// The string at index 1 will be the CarId selected in the dropdownlist.
string[] _categoryValues = knownCategoryValues.Split(':', ';');

·         By splitting the knowCategoryValues we will get the Id of the car selected in the dropdownlist at index 1 in the string[] _categoryValues

Listing 5

// Convert the element at index 1 in the string[] to get the CarId
int _carID = Convert.ToInt32(_categoryValues[1]);

·         Create a generic List<T> of type CascadingDropDownNameValue to hold the values returned by the CarsModelTableAdapters.


// Create a List<T> of CascadingDropDownNameValue to hold the CarModels data
List<CascadingDropDownNameValue> _carModels = new List<CascadingDropDownNameValue>();

·         Loop through all the DataRows in the DataTable returned by the GetModelsByCarId method and add them to the List<T> of type CascadingDropDownNameValue.

Listing 7

// Create an instance of CarModels TableAdapter
dsCarModelsTableAdapters.CarModelsTableAdapter _carModelAdapter = 
new dsCarModelsTableAdapters.CarModelsTableAdapter();
// For each datarow in the DataTable returned by the GetModelsByCarId method, add 
// the modelname and modelid to the List<T>
foreach (DataRow _row in _carModelAdapter.GetModelsByCarId(_carID)) {
_carModels.Add(new CascadingDropDownNameValue(_row["ModelName"].ToString(),
 _row["ModelId"].ToString())); }

Note: The CascadingDropDown needs a CascadingDropDownNameValue[] to be displayed in the Target DropDownList.

Listing 8

// Web method to get all the car models for a given carId
// In params: knownCategoryValues from the cascading dropdown
// Out params: CascadingDropDownNameValue array
public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetModelsByCarId(string knownCategoryValues,
 string category)
 // Split the knownCategoryValues on ":" with ";" delimiter
 // For the first dropdownlist, the values will be "undefined: id of the 
 // dropdownelement"
// ex: "undefined: 13;"
 // The string at index 1 will be the CarId selected in the dropdownlist.
 string[] _categoryValues = knownCategoryValues.Split(':', ';');
 // Convert the element at index 1 in the string[] to get the CarId
 int _carID = Convert.ToInt32(_categoryValues[1]);
 // Create a List<T> of CascadingDropDownNameValue to hold the CarModels
 // data
List<CascadingDropDownNameValue> _carModels = new List<CascadingDropDownNameValue>();
 // Create an instance of CarModels TableAdapter
dsCarModelsTableAdapters.CarModelsTableAdapter _carModelAdapter = 
new dsCarModelsTableAdapters.CarModelsTableAdapter();
// For each datarow in the DataTable returned by the GetModelsByCarId 
 // method, add the modelname and modelid to the List<T>
 foreach (DataRow _row in _carModelAdapter.GetModelsByCarId(_carID))
 _carModels.Add(new CascadingDropDownNameValue(_row["ModelName"].ToString(),
 // convert to array and return the vlaues
 return _carModels.ToArray();

Designing your aspx page

Now we use the WebService and the CascadingDropDown in a page to display the Cars and CarModels.

·         In the Default.aspx page add a reference to the AjaxControlToolkit.

Listing 9

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>

·         On Default.aspx page, drag two DropDownList. Name them as ddlCars and ddlCarModels.

Listing 10

Car:<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCars" runat="server" DataSourceID="ods_Cars"
Model:<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCarModels" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>

·         Create an ObjectDataSource to display all the Cars available in the ddlCars dropdownlist. By default, all the cars available in Cars table will be shown when the page loads.

Listing 11

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ods_Cars" runat="server"
 OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetAllCars"

·         Add a CascadingDropDown control to the page and set the following properties.
Category = Cars [Category for the knowCategoryValues]
LoadingText = “Please wait..” [Message to be shown while the dropdownlist is loading]
ParentControlID = ddlCars [DropDownList from which the CategoryId should be taken (CarId in this example)]
PromptText=”Select a model” [Text to be displayed if a selection is not made]
TargetControlID = ddlCarModels [DropDownList into which the CascadingDropDownNameValue should be loaded]
ServicePath = “CarsService.asmx” [Path to the webservice]
ServiceMethod = “GetModelsByCarId” [WebMethod that should be called to get the values]

Listing 12

<ajaxToolkit:CascadingDropDown ID="CascadingDropDown1" runat="server"
 Category="Cars" LoadingText="Please wait..." ParentControlID="ddlCars" PromptText="Select a model"
 TargetControlID="ddlCarModels" ServicePath="CarsService.asmx"
 ServiceMethod="GetModelsByCarId" />

Build the website (Ctrl + F6) and Run (F5). If you see the Enable Debug Dialog box, click Yes. The ASP.NET AJAX CascadingDropDown is in action getting values from the database.


In this article you have learned how to build Ajax enabled cascading drop down with the help of source codes and related screenshots.


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