ILDASM and Obfuscation in .NET
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by Sandeep Acharya
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.NET architecture in brief

.NET is a platform independent framework. The major advantage that any .Net developer can avail is the MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language). Any .NET source code will be converted to MSIL. These are CPU independent instructions. The .NET assemblies contain MSIL as well as the metadata about it. At runtime, these MSIL instructions get converted to the CPU dependent code by JIT (Just in time). Every .NET developer knows the advantages of this architecture, but the disadvantage is that the MSIL and metadata in the assembly provide enough information to recover the original source code. Developers used to spend years making good bug free applications and it is obvious that they really do not want to make their work public.

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User Comments

Title: What Actually Is ILDASM   
Name: Babu Shekar
Date: 2010-02-12 6:06:30 AM
Thanks Sandeep Acharya!! this article provides an detailed explanation of the topic with pictorical representation. It is really great piece of explanation.
Title: Nice!!   
Name: Venkata Polepalli
Date: 2008-11-12 6:36:19 AM
Hi Sandeep!!

Its Good Artical for Explaining the Obfuscation!!
Title: Thanks   
Name: Rupesh kumar Tiwari
Date: 2007-10-05 7:51:13 AM
Thanks Sandeep ji.
After reading this article I got a clear picture about the Ildasm.
You could have thrown some more light on Obfuscating. Still, the diagram is explaining things clearly.
Title: Thanks   
Name: Chandrakanta
Date: 2007-01-18 1:40:10 AM
This is a very Nice Article For the developers those are working on this technology.

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