Building a Simple FTP Application Using C# 2.0
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by Mohammed Habeeb
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I started working on this FTP module as part of my official work, but the requirement soon changed and I had to do it for .NET 1.1. So, I have not traveled deeper into the rabbit hole. But I believe this gives a good, instant start for using the FTP support in .NET 2.0.

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User Comments

Title: Thank you very much   
Name: narmada
Date: 2012-11-05 8:11:56 AM
Nice Article
Now i came to know how to upload file to ftp server thank you very much
Title: how to transfer(upload/download) a file where it gets stopped due to network failure,it must resume from the last written byte   
Name: Batuk
Date: 2011-01-19 12:42:19 AM
Nice Article

I know how to upload and download
but i wanted help on how to transfer(upload/download) a file where it gets stopped due to network failure,it must resume from the last written byte

can you help me out??????
Title: Building a simple FTP Application Using C# .0   
Name: how can i Download and Upload ?
Date: 2010-12-21 8:18:47 AM
the First ,i want to give you a word Thanks.
the Second,i have a question.
how can i download a file from FTP Server .how can i upload a file form Server.can my Desktop do Server?
Title: Request   
Name: Ssn
Date: 2010-10-29 3:09:45 AM
Thanks for your article,
Will you please tell how can i download a file from ftp server using the download prompt dialog. so that i can save the file to location i needed. Thanks in advance
Title: Building a Simple FTP Application Using C# 2.0   
Name: Download example is not complete
Date: 2010-08-03 6:18:04 AM
In your download example you miss ftpStream.Flush() during the while. When downloading a number of files this missing flush() becomes clearly.
Title: Thank you   
Name: Daniel
Date: 2010-07-26 7:00:26 AM
Thank you, This was very useful for an application i am currently working on.
Title: Great article   
Name: Gustavo Siqueira
Date: 2010-07-19 2:05:36 PM
Great article!
Title: Excelente el Post   
Name: Armando Iglesias -- Venezuela
Date: 2010-05-21 9:34:50 PM
Excelente el articulo, gracias fue muy util
Title: Cool Post   
Name: Ashish Khudlani
Date: 2010-05-07 8:08:58 AM
Ultimate Code Dude it worked perfectly file.
Title: Nice job!   
Name: Steve
Date: 2010-04-24 10:57:41 AM
Just echoing others comments. Nice clean example. Thanks!
Title: Error   
Name: John
Date: 2010-04-12 6:53:44 AM
It's a very nice code but it gives me an error when I'm trying to connect to my server at-reqFTP.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile:

"The method is not supported.Parameter name:value"
How can i solve this problem, or why is appearing?
Title: what about directory Exist option   
Name: Adit
Date: 2010-03-30 9:10:28 AM
I was wondering there is a MakeDirectory webMethod but what if I want to check if Directory does not exist and only then create the directory. I know I can List Directory and iterate through there but is there a shorter way.

Thanks in advance
Title: Thanks   
Name: Ocar
Date: 2010-03-15 8:38:57 AM
Thank you!
Title: Thanks   
Name: David
Date: 2010-03-10 2:18:45 PM
Thank you so much for putting this together. I needed to dynamically pick up data with ssis and the ftp task wasn't dynamic enough.
Title: Well written article   
Name: jacob
Date: 2010-02-12 5:04:52 PM
This is what I have been looking for. Easy to understand and concise.
Title: great but......   
Name: Nitin
Date: 2010-02-09 12:47:01 AM
Its a great code...but here we have to provide our ftp user id and password which i cant. Is there any other way where we dont need to provide ftp user id and password, if so then let me know plz?

Title: great   
Name: waqas
Date: 2010-02-08 5:47:59 AM
thats what i was looking for.
Title: GREAT!!   
Name: Andrea
Date: 2010-01-12 12:23:52 PM
You solve my problem... great article!!
Thanks from Italy
Title: shokrn   
Name: mido egypt
Date: 2010-01-08 10:52:15 AM
very very good
Title: Retrieve more than one file   
Name: Sergio Salanitri
Date: 2009-11-23 11:04:06 AM
Goog article. My question es ¿How I retrive more than one file without execute Connect statemente for each file?

Title: Meet the expectation   
Name: Mahbub
Date: 2009-08-17 10:10:40 PM
Thanks for your nice article along with code. I think it is very much helpful for us. Expecting more articles from you.
Title: Thanks a lot   
Name: John
Date: 2009-08-09 1:16:48 AM
Thanks a lot, man.
This is exactly what I was looking for.
I searched the whole internet for FTP operations using C# and .net libraries. I could find some on MSDN, but it was not easy to understand and takes a long time to read. Your article is upto the point and very much reusable. This was a quick requirement for our business and you saved us.
Hoping to see more articles from you.

Thanks Again,
Title: Simple and informative   
Name: Faisal Lodhi
Date: 2009-06-21 6:41:02 AM
Thanks for the article

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