Using LDAP in ColdFusion
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by Debjani Mallick
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Using LDAP in ColdFusion

For making use of LDAP, we need to use cfldap tag. This tag allows performing various operations on LDAP directories (using the action attribute of cfldap tag).

Retrieve attribute values from a directory – action = "query"

Add an entry to a directory – action = "add"

Delete an entry to a directory – action = "delete"

Modify i.e. add, change or delete the value of an attribute – action = "modify"

Rename a directory entry – action = "modifyDN"

Querying an LDAP Directory using <cfldap> tag

The cfldap tag allows searching of an LDAP directory and the result returned can be treated as a query object. While querying an LDAP directory, we can specify “from where to start the search” using the start attribute and “search criteria” using the filter attribute. The scope attribute is used to limit the search scope. Default scope is one level below the DN specified in the start attribute and it does not include the entry identified by the start attribute. It is possible to restrict the query to the level of start entry or extend it below the start entry to the entire subtree. The search filter value has the form of attribute operator. By default, it uses objectclass=* which returns all the entries in the scope. Various different filter criteria or patterns can be provided. It also supports Boolean operators for specifying more than one value. If the pattern provided contains a parenthesis, backslash, asterisk or null character, we need to specify the escape sequences for those.


filter = "o=*go*" – Organization names containing and including the exact string "go"

filter = "& (&(o=google) (co=usa))" – Organization name is "google" and country is "usa"

The sort attribute allows us to sort the return query object. By default, Coldfusion returns the result in case-sensitive ascending order. The sortControl attribute can be used for sorting in descending order or case-insensitive order. The timeout and maxRows attributes can be used to control the performance by specifying the maximum number of entries and exiting after a certain time limit if the server does not respond. If we specify the attributes parameter as "attributes=’*”," we get back all the attributes, but we can limit the attributes being returned by the query by specifying the names of the attributes like sn, cn, etc.

Example of using LDAP in ColdFusion

Listing 1

<title>Login Demo</title>
            <cfform name="demo" action="login.cfm" method="post">
                              <td>User Name</td>
                                    <cfinput type="text" name="userName" 
                                    <cfinput type="password" name="password" 
                              <td colspan="2">
                                    <cfinput type="submit" id="login" name="login" 
                                      value="Login" />
<cfif IsDefined('form.login')>
      <cfif IsDefined('form.userName')>
            <cfif IsDefined('form.password')>
                                server="hostname or IP address of the LDAP server"
                                port="port number"
                    <cfcatch type="any">
                      <cfoutput>Error: #cfcatch.detail# #cfcatch.message#</cfoutput>
                        <cfif userAuthentication.recordcount eq 0>
                        <cfoutput>Sorry! Invalid User</cfoutput>
                        <cfoutput>Login Successful</cfoutput>

In the above example, we have a form with username and password fields. When the user enters values in those fields and clicks on the "Submit" button, the form is submitted to the same page and the LDAP server is queried to find a record with the credentials provided by the user. In the server attribute of LDAP tag, we need to specify the address to the LDAP server and in the port attribute, the port number. If a record is found, we output a "Login Successful" message and in record count is 0, a "Sorry! Invalid User" message is displayed.

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User Comments

Title: Excellent writing   
Name: Tailor
Date: 2008-10-09 1:56:33 AM
You just have excellent writing skills. So brief description with so simple words. Go on.
Title: Nice article   
Name: Sumit
Date: 2008-10-09 1:22:55 AM
Good article.
Title: Need help in active directory   
Name: mukunda
Date: 2008-10-01 12:55:27 AM
Please can any one help how to list out all the contact which are present in the active directory. in or c# .net. I can able to list out the users which are present in the active directory. Please..
Thanks in advance


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