Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Toolkit
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by Scott Guthrie
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Why use the free SEO Toolkit?

In a nutshell – the free SEO Toolkit Analyzer helps you increase traffic and visitors to your site, and as a result can increase the revenue you directly or indirectly make through your web-site.

The SEO Toolkit Analyzer increases traffic to your site by helping you assess and improve the search relevancy ranking of your site with search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.  As your search relevancy ranking improves, and your site becomes more search engine optimized, you’ll find that your site receives more and more user traffic from search engine queries. 

Takes less than 5 minutes to download and run the SEO Analyzer

It takes less than 5 minutes to download and run the SEO Toolkit Analyzer against your web-site.  You simply point the tool at the top-level URL of your web-site, and then it will automatically crawl your site like a search engine would – following each link, reviewing the HTML on each page, and generating a human friendly report of every SEO or content violation it finds on the site - along with suggestions on how to fix each of them:

Figure 1

It works with any web-server

The SEO Toolkit works with any web-server. It works with IIS5, IIS6, IIS7 and IIS7.5 – it will even work with Apache web-servers running on Linux.  Basically you can point the SEO Analyzer at any remote HTTP server and it will crawl the site and generate a SEO report.  You do not need to setup any software on the remote server – instead the tool crawls and analyzes the site remotely just like a search engine would.  This means you can even run the site on your friends (or potential customers) sites and generate reports for them.

The SEO Toolkit does require that you have the IIS7 Admin tool installed on your local dev/client machine in order to host the SEO Analysis admin UI tool.  The IIS7 admin tool is a built-in feature of Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008.  The IIS7 admin UI only needs to be installed on your local dev machine though – you do not need to have IIS7 installed on the server.  The SEO utility running inside it will work fine against your IIS5, IIS6 and other web servers.

How to download and install the SEO Toolkit

You can easily install the SEO Toolkit using the Microsoft Web Platform Installer

Use the green "Install Now" button on the IIS SEO Toolkit download page in order to automatically install the SEO Toolkit on your development machine (clicking the button will also download and install the Web Platform Installer if you don’t already have it installed).

How to Learn More

I wrote up a tutorial on how to use the SEO Toolkit this past summer (the UI in some of the dialogs has changed a little – but the functionality is the same). 

You can also watch this IIS SEO Toolkit Video (5 minutes) or this longer IIS SEO Toolkit Video (15 minutes) to see the SEO Toolkit in action. 

You can post questions and get help in the SEO Toolkit Forum on


If you haven’t downloaded the SEO Toolkit and used it to analyzer your web-site yet, then I highly recommend spending 10 minutes now and giving it a try.  You’ll find it provides a really easy, automated way to quickly find and identify SEO issues you have on your web-site – along with suggestions on how to fix them.  Fixing them will increase the traffic and visitors to your web-site.

Hope this helps,


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User Comments

Title: SEO   
Name: Avdhesh kumar Nigam
Date: 2010-09-27 6:29:46 AM
Dear Friends,
I want to develop a comment control in a web site, but i it is not working. Please Help Me.
Best Regards
Avdhesh Kumar Nigam
Title: hi   
Name: SEO Sydney
Date: 2010-01-28 4:29:46 AM
All websites are designed with clean CSS code, rich content, and search engine optimization marketing from the start… never as an after thought.

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