Database Access Using UDL Files
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Creating UDL Files

Let There be UDL!

The easiest (and most uniform) way to create a UDL file is to create a blank text file and rename it to 'something.UDL' (make sure that you change the extension to UDL; otherwise it becomes 'something.udl.txt'). After a successful renaming, you should see an icon like the one below.

Now, all you have to do, is double-click on it, and a screen like this should appear:

Lets run down on what this is. The instructions follow from number 1.

  1. Depending on how you access your database, you can either use a data source name (DSN) or a connection string (non-DSN), for the DSN just enter in the DSN name (for how to create a DSN see the related articles on the left). If you want to use a connection string, I'll explain how to later.
  2. If you have a username/password then enter them in there, if you are using an access database with a password, then just use the password slow. Check 'Allow saving password' to save the password in the UDL file.
  3. The initial catalog is for server users; you can use the drop-down list to see what's available.

The rest you can leave. If you want to specify a different provider, like Jet or OLE DB for SQL then you can change that under provider.  The one that's there (Microsoft OLE DB for ODBC Providers) should work with most (if not all) of your databases that you will be using.


For all of you people with DSN's just do what I did here. I'm using a connection to an access database, so there is no username.


Your in a different boat. You have to use the connection string, which I'll guide you through. First, click on the 'Use Connection String' radio button, and you can copy your old connection string that I told you how to do, or click on "Build...." If you use the old connection string, you're fine.  If you click on "Build..." then use the tutorial below.

This will appear if you have a DSN up.  Then just click on the Machine Data Source tab and choose it. However, if you already have a File Data Source (a .DSN) file then browse for it in this tab, if you need a new one then click on New...

From here on in, it's basically like the DSN--choose your data type and click on Next... (I know that the picture says Finish.)

Now, this is where you save your .DSN file.  Create a location OUTSIDE of your web server root (so people can't download it) and save it with a descriptive name.

You're here again (if you've seen my DSN tutorial).  Click on Select to chose where the database is.  If there is a password, click on Advanced... (the Data Source Name and Description fields will be grayed out in your version of this screen.

And enter the password in the 'Password' slot. Chose Ok three times and you're here again:

Now, you can see the connection string is in and your all set!

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