Creating a Web.config Editor - Part 1
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by Jason N. Gaylord
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Section 3: Implementing The Page
Now that our document is set, we must then add code to edit this node. In this case, we will use a drop down box with the correct values of this node. We will then edit the web.config file by setting the value equal to the returned value of the drop-down control. Finally, we need to save the web.config file to store our new settings. An example of this is shown below:

1:   <%@ Page Language="vb" %>
2:   <%@ import Namespace="System" %>
3:   <%@ import Namespace="System.Xml" %>
4:   <script runat="server">
6:       Sub Page_Load(s as Object, e as EventArgs)
7:          Dim myConfig As New XmlDocument()
9:          myConfig.Load("C:\InetPub\wwwroot\web.config")
11:           If not isPostBack then
12:              Dim myCurrentValue as String
13:              Dim myListItem as ListItem
15:              myCurrentValue = myConfig.SelectSingleNode(
16:              myListItem = node01.Items.FindByText(myCurrentValue)
18:              node01.SelectedIndex = node01.Items.IndexOf(myListItem)
19:           Else
20:             'We will save this for later!
21:           End If
23:        End Sub
25:        Sub Button_Click(s as Object, e as EventArgs)
26:           Dim myConfig As New XmlDocument()
27:           Dim myAttribute As XmlAttribute
29:           myConfig.Load("C:\InetPub\wwwroot\web.config")
31:           myAttribute = myConfig.SelectSingleNode(
32:           myAttribute.Value = node01.SelectedItem.ToString()
34:           myConfig.Save("C:\InetPub\wwwroot\web.config")
35:        End Sub
37:    </script>
38:    <html>
39:    <head>
40:        <title>Web.config Editor</title>
41:    </head>
42:    <body>
43:        <form runat="server">
44:          <asp:Label id="title01" runat="server" text="Custom Errors:" />
45:          <asp:DropDownList id="node01" runat="server">
46:            <asp:ListItem Value="On" text="On" />
47:            <asp:ListItem Value="Off" text="Off" />
48:            <asp:ListItem Value="RemoteOnly" text="RemoteOnly" />
49:          </asp:DropDownList>
50:          <br />
1:          <asp:Button id="myButton" runat="server" Text="Update"
                 OnClick="Button_Click" />
52:        </form>
53:    </body>
54:    </html>

Now that we have changed a pre-defined node, let's change a custom node. This node will have a similar node, but with a different property. This will be demonstrated in Part 2. You can go to Part 2 by clicking here.

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User Comments

Title: I Have question   
Date: 2006-05-08 2:25:38 AM
How to use Location Tag in web.config file?
and .......... Thanks !!!
Title: Excellent trial for NewToXml   
Name: Baljeet Kiroriwal
Date: 2006-03-02 7:46:07 AM
Good Article n gr8 information
Title: What if the solution is in a source safe   
Name: m7e7
Date: 2004-08-05 4:03:37 PM
What if the soln is in a source safe vault?
Title: The problems I had   
Name: Sergio Florez
Date: 2004-07-23 9:51:21 AM
First, sorry if I mix up the first and second part of the article but here goes:

You're capturing the return of SelectSingleNode() in an XmlAttribute and that didn't work for me. It said it needed a NodeSet. I fixed this by capturing it with an XmlNode and working with its Attributes collection.

The other problem I had was that your XPath didn't capture the node for me so I had to use this:
Title: RE: Thanks but no thanks   
Name: Jason
Date: 2004-07-22 4:35:10 PM
I wish you'd let me know what isn't working. This way I can provide some "troubleshooting" for you.
Title: Thanks but no thanks   
Name: Sergio Florez
Date: 2004-07-22 11:31:08 AM
This article's basic concept of trying to modify the web.config is great, unfortunately the code doesn't work for me. Maybe you should try and write some troubleshooting for this.

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