Review: Locate Web Visitors With CountryHawk
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by Steven Smith
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CountryHawk Features and Possible Scenarios

CountryHawk is a useful component for any web application that needs to verify its visitors' country or region.  Possible reasons for this might be to limit restrict access from countries known to be security threats (such as the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism).  It can also be an effective way to reduce fraud and chargebacks on e-commerce sites, or to add localization capabilities.  In addition to a .NET version, CountryHawk also supports ASP/COM, CFMX, and JSP server architectures, and is used by a huge list of well-known customers.

Another useful feature of CountryHawk is in providing demographic figures for your site's traffic.  Done either in realtime or after-the-fact on your logs, CountryHawk can be used to determine what percentage of your site's traffic is coming from individual countries (or regions within countries).  This can be valuable information that can be used to help market your products and services more effectively.

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User Comments

Title: BrowserObject with Geolocation Technology   
Name: Kim
Date: 2007-12-01 7:46:40 AM
You can get the BrowserObject component with worldclass geolocation technology embedded in one installation. Free edition with limited features is also available.
Title: Great Commercial   
Name: Bill
Date: 2006-10-05 7:42:08 PM
Great commercial!

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