The Essence of Microsoft's .NET Framework
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by Saripalli Koti Reddy
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All about WinFx API

As it was mentioned in the previous sections of this article, WinFx = .NetFx 2.0 + API of four major components (WPF, WCF, WF, WCS).

Please find the detailed charts as plotted below describing the enhancements made to the .NET API.

Figure 2




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User Comments

Title: Inappropriate details   
Name: Ehtesham Siddiqui
Date: 2010-11-23 3:15:24 AM
Not satisfactory
Title: straight to the xact research   
Name: Yonela
Date: 2009-03-23 3:25:09 PM
It would be nice to get the necessary information when browsin, it would make life much easier.but thakyou very much for the as i know tyou are doin all you can to make searching simple
Title: important information at one place   
Name: pallavi
Date: 2009-03-22 8:27:23 AM
the article is very good.
From this we can have clear idea of .net framework details from 1.0 till 3.5
Title: Thank You   
Name: Koti Reddy. Saripalli
Date: 2009-01-10 8:07:39 AM

Thanks for all your comments, as there are no auto notifications within this site, you can also mail me your comments over or for immediate response.

Title: The Essence of Microsoft's .NET Framework   
Name: Jagannath
Date: 2009-01-06 4:43:34 AM
Excellent Presentation of Evolution of Indigo/WCF + Basics

(Attended your Session on Basics of DOTNET @ Synergy(Ravi Pola)
Title: The Essence of .net framework   
Name: Sridhar
Date: 2008-08-06 3:46:30 AM
"Every developer of Microsoft technologies has come across Win32 Application Programming Interface [API] and the Principle API of all the Microsoft windows operating systems. But in upcoming versions of Microsoft Operating Systems, such as Windows Vista, Win32 API will no longer be the principal API."

This is not true. The number of new Win32 APIs in Vista/Server 2008 indicate that contrary to what you are claiming, there is a lot of new work/innovation going on with respect to native code and programming models.

Also please refer any code that runs outside the CLR as "native" code. Unmanaged is not the right way to describe it as most languages ( have ways (better?) to handle their state, not to mention memory and resources.
Title: The Essence of Microsoft's .NET Framework   
Name: Venkat
Date: 2008-05-23 8:50:29 AM
Its really very good article and excellent prasentation
Title: .NET Framework 3.0 [WinFx] - Here It Goes…   
Name: Dileep
Date: 2007-12-12 6:31:00 AM
good information and presentation..
u r always great in ur presentations..

dileep (your student in .net ur fan always)
Title: ---   
Name: ---------
Date: 2007-02-16 2:11:20 PM
wonderful article content provided in sequential sorted order, expecting more articles on windows workflow foundation.

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