Creating an Object Model for a Windows Application - Part 1
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by Brian Mains
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Menu Items

Menu items are more complicated, because they can be rendered recursively.  Take the File menu in some applications, like Visual Studio.  The file menu can have New and Recent menu items as children, which New can have its own children (the type of file to create), which theoretically could have their own children, and so a recursive amount of relationships can exist.

To facilitate that, each menu item has an Items collection, which it listens for child items being created, so it can bubble up a child item event.  For instance, below is the collection of items within the MenuItem object:

Listing 8

public MenuItemCollection Items
    if (_items == null)
      _items = new MenuItemCollection();
      _items.ItemAdded += ChildItems_ItemAdded;
      _items.ItemAdding += ChildItems_ItemAdding;
      _items.ItemInserted += ChildItems_ItemInserted;
      _items.ItemInserting += ChildItems_ItemInserting;
      _items.ItemRemoved += ChildItems_ItemRemoved;
      _items.ItemRemoving += ChildItems_ItemRemoving;
    return _items;

This class listens for each event, and uses the On<EventName> method to bubble up the event.

Listing 9

void ChildItems_ItemAdded(object sender, DataEventArgs < MenuItem > e)
protected virtual void OnChildItemAdded(DataEventArgs < MenuItem > e)
  if (ChildItemAdded != null)
    ChildItemAdded(this, e);

The ChildItemAdded event is listened to by the parent, which will be discussed later.  The menu item adds one more item of importance, which is the Path property.  Because menu item is a hierarchy element, this property returns the name of each item in an object that is a string collection of the names.  Below is the implementation of this property, and the important methods.

Listing 10

public ValuePath Path
    ValuePath path = new ValuePath();
    return path;
private string[]GetParentNames(MenuItem item)
  List < string > names = new List < string > ();
  if (item.Parent != null)
    return names.ToArray();
  return new string[]

You can see that recursion comes into play with the GetParentNames method.  It has to return a single element as a string, so I can leverage using the same method in a recursive manner.

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User Comments

Title: good article   
Name: RangaswmyR
Date: 2008-01-25 4:41:03 AM
This artical gives the best learning knowledge and it is very use full for creating and developing of a window form application and according to knowledge wise it is very use full to identified the controles which are usead to devlope a login page for any web sites.

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