Introduction to .NET Framework Tools
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by Suresh Kumar Goudampally
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Aspnet_Compiler.exe - An Insight

Aspnet_Compiler is a new tool which enables you to compile the .Net web applications either in-place or in a target location such as the production server.

This is the new tool introduced in the ASP.NET 2.0 version.

In-place compilation helps application performance because end users do not encounter a delay on the first request to the application while the application is compiled.

These are some of the options of the tool where we can compile the web applications.



 -m metabase path

This command specifies the full iis metabase path of the application to be complied.

Aspnet_compiler -m /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/WebService2 -f c:\InetPub\wwwroot\SampleWebService

 -v virtualPath

Specifies the virtual path of the application.

Eg: Aspnet_compiler -v /Sample1

 -p physicalpath

Specifies the full physical path of the root directory where the application is located.

Eg: Aspnet_compiler -v /WebApplication1 -p "c:\Documents and Settings\Default\My Documents\MyWebApplications\WebApplication1"


Overrides the debug setting in the applications configuration settings.


This option specifies that the application to be complied should be fully rebuilt.


Specifies that the tool should include stack trace if it fails to compile the application.


Suppresses the copy right message.


Displays all the available options of the tool.

There are other options, like –keyFile, which contain the key value pair and -aptca, -delaysign and –fixednames.

The compilation is different for types of files like:

Code behind files are complied into assemblies.

Handlers, like .ashx file, are not complied to output as is.

Source files, like .cs and .vb, are not copied into output directory.

Custom file types are not compiled, they are just copied as is.

App_code directory is compiled into assemblies.

Skin files are just copied.

.resx files are compiled in resource DLL's.

.config file are just copied.

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