The Forgotten Art of Email Address Verification
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by Joshua Finer
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2. Base Domain Level Validation
This email validation is a step up from Base Level Validation, but still extremely inadequate. This level of validation only requires that the domain name of the email address be a valid registered domain. Many domain names are registered but cannot receive email. Additionally, the majority of registered domain names are not currently active mail servers. This is usually implemented as code or a component that does domain name registration lookups or possibly even standard DNS lookups. For purposes of example, let's say you choose to use a DNS lookup component. After installing on the server, you need to first make sure the DLL is referenced in View-->References or Project-->References. Keep in mind that most DNS objects are expecting a domain name and not an email address. The following code is a generic example of how you might implement a DNS component for email validation:
	set DNSobject = Server.CreateObject("CompanyABC.DNS")
	emailaddress = Request.Form("emailaddress")
	thedomainname =Mid(emailaddress,InStr(1,emailaddress,"@",vbTextCompare)+1,Len(emailaddress))
	DNSobject.domain = thedomainname
	DNSobject.server = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
	goodorbad = DNSojbect.dolookup

	If goodorbad = "" Then	'Keep in mind some DNS object may return something other than ""
		<continue form processing>
	End If

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User Comments

Title: Finding, Verifying and Correcting Bad Format email addresses   
Name: GeakeIT
Date: 2010-11-22 6:55:59 AM
I wrote a script a while ago that finds bad formats and human errors, then corrects them too.

Basically it cross references domains that have email opens recorded against them and corrects several human errors. So homail(missing character)/htomail(swapped character)/jotmail(close proximity keyboard button) are all corrected.

Details are too long to write here really so have a look at this link...
Title: Owsem.....   
Name: chanchal
Date: 2009-10-14 5:29:21 AM
This article could be more easier if ther is snippet.But isnt mean its bad its fine .
Title: Great & Help Full   
Name: Atul Khandelwal
Date: 2007-03-28 3:09:57 AM
This is surely a good article but you could have atleast explained the last header width a snippet
this articla is really good and help full
Title: great   
Name: Manmeet
Date: 2006-08-04 7:40:50 PM
The article is really very good
Title: Good   
Name: Gaurav
Date: 2006-06-10 2:36:39 AM
This is surely a good article but you could have atleast explained the last header width a snippet
Title: thanks for the info!!   
Name: BH
Date: 2006-05-07 11:00:55 AM

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