ASP.NET AJAX MultiHandleSliderExtender - Slide by Year and Month
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by Bryian Tan
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Putting Everything Together

For simplification's sake, I use XML as Data Source in this tutorial. There are two XML file in the App_Data folder namely CarsList.xml and SliderRange.xml. The former file contains all the data in the table shown in figure 3. The latter xml file hold the result set that is shown in figure 4. Create two custom entity classes named CarsList and Range to hold the public properties. See listing 1.

Listing 1

public class CarsList
    public CarsList(){}
    public int CarCount { get; set; }
    public int YearMonth { get; set; }
    public string CarBrand { get; set; }
    public string Date { get; set; }
public class Range
    public Range(){}
    public string Year { get; set; }
    public string Month { get; set; }
    public int RowNumber { get; set; }

Let start by adding a Script Manager on to the page and set the EnablePageMethods and EnablePartialRendering properties to true. By setting the EnablePageMethods property to true the client script can access the static page methods in an ASP.NET page. The EnablePartialRendering property allows us to specify only the region of the page to be refreshed. Next, drag a TextBox, MultiHandleSliderExtender, four HiddenField and two Label controls on to the page and wrap it inside an UpdatePanel. Set the TargetControlID of the MultiHandleSliderExtender control to the ID of the TextBox control. Add two handles to the control and set its ControlID to rangeStart and rangeEnd respectively. See listing 2. The purpose of the Label controls is to display the selected range values. The HiddenField controls are used to hold the handles' values. Initialize the MultiHandleSliderExtender with the setting shown below.

·         OnClientDrag= Drag, The event raised when the user drags the handle.

·         OnClientDragEnd = DragEnd, The event raised when the user stops dragging the handle.

·         Increment = 1, determines the number of points to increment or decrement the slider values.

·         RaiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp = true, fires the change event on the extended TextBox only when the left mouse button is released.

·         EnableRailClick = false

Listing 2

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true"
      EnablePartialRendering="true" /> 
    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server">
    <tr><td colspan="2">
       <asp:TextBox ID="txtSlider" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>  
    <cc1:MultiHandleSliderExtender ID="MultiHandleSliderExtender1" runat="server" 
      BehaviorID="mhSlider" TargetControlID="txtSlider" Length="500" ShowInnerRail="true"
      EnableMouseWheel="false" Increment="1" 
      RaiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp="true" EnableRailClick="false"
      OnClientDragEnd="DragEnd" OnClientDrag="Drag" 
      ShowHandleHoverStyle="true" Maximum="222" Minimum="1">
         <cc1:MultiHandleSliderTarget ControlID="rangeStart" />
            <cc1:MultiHandleSliderTarget ControlID="rangeEnd" />
   <br />
   <td><asp:Label ID="lblStartRange" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label></td>
   <td><asp:Label ID="lblEndRange" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label> </td>
    <asp:HiddenField ID="rangeEnd" Value="10" runat="server" />
    <asp:HiddenField ID="rangeStart" Value="1" runat="server" />
     <asp:HiddenField ID="hdfTrackRangeStart" runat="server" Value="0" />
 <asp:HiddenField ID="hdfTrackRangeEnd" runat="server" Value="0" />

Shown below is the client-side code. Dragging the handle will trigger the ASP.NET page method SliderRange to update the lblStartRange and lblEndRange value. Once the users release the handle, the DragEnd function will be executed.

Listing 3

<script type="text/javascript">
    var isDragging = false;
    function Drag(sender, args) {
        GetSliderRange($get("rangeStart").value, $get("rangeEnd").value);
    function DragEnd(sender, args) {
        //prevent postback on slider click
        if ($get("hdfTrackRangeStart").value !== $get("rangeStart").value) {
            // __doPostBack("btnLoadChart", "");
        if ($get("hdfTrackRangeEnd").value !== $get("rangeEnd").value &&
            $get("hdfTrackRangeEnd").value !== '0') {
            // __doPostBack("btnLoadChart", "");
    function GetSliderRange(startV, endV) {
        PageMethods.SliderRange(startV, endV, this.callback);
    function callback(result) {
        var arrResult = result.split("--");
        $get("lblStartRange").innerHTML = arrResult[0];
        $get("lblEndRange").innerHTML = arrResult[1];

Create a generic List<T> of Range objects in the code behind and mark it as static so that is accessible from the client script or other static method. Shown below are the contents in the Page_Load event. The PopulateSlider() method read the contents in the SliderRange.xml file and store it in the lstSliderRange. Initialize the MultiHandleSliderExtender minimum and maximum value to 1 and biggest RowNumber in lstSliderRange respectively. See listing 4.

Listing 4

protected static List<Range> lstSliderRange = null;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Chart1.Click += new ImageMapEventHandler(Chart1_Click);
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            //slider min and max value
            MultiHandleSliderExtender1.Minimum = 1;
            MultiHandleSliderExtender1.Maximum = 
                  int.Parse(lstSliderRange.Max(r => r.RowNumber).ToString());
            //hidden field
            rangeEnd.Value = MultiHandleSliderExtender1.Maximum.ToString();
            rangeStart.Value = MultiHandleSliderExtender1.Minimum.ToString();
            PopulateChart(int.Parse(rangeStart.Value), int.Parse(rangeEnd.Value));

Displayed below is the implementation of PopulateSlider() method. The lstSliderRange object is cached to increase performance and its contents are fetched again when the file contents changes. Depending on how often we update the data source, we can cache it based on the changes in the database, folder, file or time based expiration. Read more about ASP.NET Caching technique from here.

Listing 5

//get slider range
    void PopulateSlider()
        //Cache the frequently used data
        if (Cache["Cache_lstSliderRange"] == null)
            XDocument xmlDoc = 
            lstSliderRange = (from c in xmlDoc.Descendants("Range")
                              select new Range
                                  Month = (string)c.Attribute("Month"),
                                  Year = (string)c.Attribute("Year"),
                                  RowNumber = (int)c.Attribute("RowNumber")
            Cache.Insert("Cache_lstSliderRange", lstSliderRange,
                new System.Web.Caching.CacheDependency
            lstSliderRange = Cache["Cache_lstSliderRange"as List<Range>;

The SetLabel() method display the MultiHandleSliderExtender  start and end range values in the lblStartRange and lblStartEnd Label controls. The SliderRange method is decorated with [System.Web.Services.WebMethod] making the method accessible from client-side JavaScript. The GetSliderText method accept two parameters, the first parameter refer to the row number and the second parameter refers to the left or right handle. For instance, calling SliderRange(2, 10) will yield "From Year: 2005 Month:02--To Year: 2005 Month:10".  First, it will query the lstSliderRange object and retrieve the Year and Month from the result set. If the pos==s, set the text to From and To if pos==e. See listing 6.

Listing 6

//set the slider start and end label
    void SetLabel()
        string[] arrLabel = SliderRange(rangeStart.Value, rangeEnd.Value)
        lblStartRange.Text = arrLabel[0];
        lblEndRange.Text = arrLabel[2];
    public static string SliderRange(string start, string end)
        if (lstSliderRange != null)
            return GetSliderText(start, "s"+ "--" + GetSliderText(end, "e");
            return "";
    protected static string GetSliderText(string rn, string pos)
        string strRangeText = string.Empty;
        IEnumerable<Range> rangeText;
        rangeText = lstSliderRange.Where(r => r.RowNumber == int.Parse(rn))
            .Select(r => new Range
                Year = r.Year,
                Month = r.Month
        if (pos == "s")
            strRangeText = "<b>From</b> Year: " + rangeText.First().Year + " Month: " 
                  + rangeText.First().Month;
            return strRangeText;
            strRangeText = "<b>To</b> Year: " + rangeText.First().Year + " Month: "  
                  + rangeText.First().Month;
            return strRangeText;

At this point, you should see something like below on the browser.

Figure 5

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