Automating Deployment with Microsoft Web Deploy
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by Scott Guthrie
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Creating Deployment Packages from VS 2010

VS 2010 also supports a packaging option that enables you to package up your ASP.NET Web Application (together with its dependencies like web.config, databases, ACLs, etc) into a .zip based deployment package file that Web Deploy understands.  You can then hand-off the deployment package file to someone who can deploy it either via the IIS Admin Tool, or via a command-line/powershell script that installs it on a remote server using Web Deploy.

The deployment package you create can optionally expose application configuration settings that can be overridden (like directory locations, database connection-strings, etc).  When using the IIS7 Admin Tool, the install wizard will prompt the administrator for each setting to be customized – enabling you to provide a clean customization experience without having to write any custom code to-do so.  The settings can also be passed as arguments on the command-line when using a command-line or Powershell script to deploy the application via a remote Web Deploy service.

To create a web package within Visual Studio 2010, just right click on your ASP.NET Web Project in the solution explorer and select the “Build Deployment Package” menu item:


Selecting this option will cause VS 2010 to build a Web Deploy compatible deployment package.  You can configure where this package is created on disk within the project’s “Properties” dialog (select the Package/Publish Web tab).  Note that the disk location of the generated Web Deploy package is always displayed in the “Output” window build content (which makes it easier to find):

The generated package file is literally a .zip file that contains a Web Deploy manifest that enables you to easily deploy it on a remote server using either the IIS Admin Tool or a command-line.

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