Automating Deployment with Microsoft Web Deploy
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by Scott Guthrie
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Deploying a Package from the Command-Line

Alternatively, you can use a command-shell to deploy the package onto a remote server.

To do this, open a command window, and navigate to the location of the deployment package .zip file on disk.  In addition to the .zip package file, you’ll find that VS also added a few additional files to the directory:

The ProjectName.deploy.cmd file provides a pre-built script that you can use to deploy the package onto a remote server. 

The ProjectName.SetParameters.xml file contains some deployment parameters that you can set (like site-name, connection-string locations, etc).  You can use Visual Studio’s project properties pane to set the default values for the parameters that are generated into this file.  Admins can then optionally edit/change them later if they want (avoiding the need to explicitly specify them as command-line parameters). Make sure to open/view this file to see what the current defaults in it are.  In particular, check to make sure that the site name/application name is where you want the application deployed.

To install the package on a remote Web Deploy server, run the deployment script with the following parameters:

ProjectName.deploy.cmd /y /M:https://WebDeployUrl:8172/MsDeploy.axd /u:username /p:password –allowUntrusted /A:basic

A couple of quick notes on the various parameters above:


Indicates that Web Deploy should deploy the application onto the remote server. 

Alternatively instead of /y you can specify /t to perform a trial install that will simulate deployment and help you verify everything is ready (without actually provisioning it).

/M: parameter

Specifies the Web Deploy publishing endpoint of the server you want to deploy the package onto.  It should match whatever publishing service URL you setup (and will be the same as the “Service URL” parameter in the Publish Web dialog). It should be an “https” based URL if you are publishing to a Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 server.


Required if the SSL certificate on the remote Web Deploy server is unsigned (which it isn’t by default)


Required if the remote server is not using Windows Authentication to identify the user (it instead specifies that you will use http basic auth over SSL)

When you run the command it will deploy the package to the remote server, perform all of the deployment steps (including things like provisioning databases, setting file ACLs, etc), and output the status back to the command-prompt as it makes progress.

Automating Deployment from a Build Server or Continuous Integration Server

In addition to having a developer/administrator kick off deployment explicitly, you can alternatively automate it to happen as part of a continuous integration process or as part of a build server.  The commands necessary to automate creating a Web Deploy .zip package are available as MSBuild tasks.  You can use them to either create a deployment package as part of the build process – or optionally have an automated build also deploy the app as well.

I’ll be covering how to enable these automated build scenarios in a future blog post.

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